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4 Back to School Hacks to Your Most Productive Year Yet


Maryam Falah

09 September, 2022


Summer break is over and students are excited to finally be physically back to school. No restrictions, no social distancing and most importantly no masks! With that being said, the return of students to the campus may be difficult and students may have some trouble adjusting again after these two years.

However, even though it might be an overwhelming time, there is nothing to be worried about. In this blog, I will be sharing some hacks to have one of the most productive yet exciting school years from the point of view of a graduate.



Planning the tasks you’re going to do on a regular basis is one of the most critical factors that increase productivity. Make planning your day a habit that you follow every morning after waking up or every evening before you go to bed, as setting a time will help you stay committed. Plan your day by using a daily or weekly planner for example or even the calendar app on your phone. Try different methods of planning and go with what suits you the most. List your tasks, break them into smaller tasks, arrange them in order of priority, and do not forget to plan your break time.



Students from the age of 6 to 17 need between 8 to 11 hours of sleep per day. During school days, the most important thing that students should maintain is sufficient sleep, as the amount of rest that their body gets affects the rest of the day. Not only will their days be affected, their productivity will be affected by it as well, because as a result of lack of sleep students face difficulties in concentrating and focusing along with short tempers and changes in mood

To overcome any sleeping problems and to ensure more productivity, students have to monitor their intake of caffeine, especially around bedtime. Another thing is that students have to disconnect and avoid using their electronic devices before their sleeping time, and for the final most important tip, students have to stick to the same sleeping schedule every day and even on weekends.



With how busy school days get, and with students not planning their days and prioritising their tasks, they forget how important having regular breaks is. Breaks are essential as it increases the students' productivity and gives their brain some rest. It doesn't matter if your break is for 5 minutes or an hour, having time for yourself is what matters. A break is a time you can reward yourself after accomplishing your tasks. It can be either by being busy with practising your hobbies, going out for a walk, spending some quality time with your family and friends, or doing whatever makes you happy! Creating a playlist for your study break is one of the ways Mai recommends in her 30-Minutes Study Break list, and it seems like an interesting idea to try out.



All of us have at some point skipped breakfast on school mornings, replaced fruits and veggies with chocolate and crisps and other bad snacking habits. The least we can do for our body during school days is to provide it with the rest and energy it needs. This energy can be obtained through healthy eating as it maintains children's energy levels and concentration, which in turn, helps them to be more productive and effective at school.


School can be stressful and can cause students to always be worried, but this can push students to be more effective and productive. Productivity has no limits and it differs from one person to another. Find what makes you more productive, set your goals and be ready for your most productive year yet! 


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Maryam Falah

Hello! I'm a hardworking Business Management student at Bahrain Polytechnic, and a determined part-timer at Springring. Fueled by my curiosity and passion to learn new things, I aspire towards becoming an inspiring individual, while balancing my busy days with long car drives filled with joyful, good music, and the wonderful company of my friends.