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3 Benefits of Mind Maps


Maryam Falah

19 September, 2022


The name Tony Buzan may not be familiar to you, but the invention that he reached is something that I can be sure that you have heard about, or perhaps even used at one point — Mind Maps. Mind Mapping is a way of brainstorming that helps with organising and representing your ideas and information visually.

As students, we have a lot of material to study and information to memorise, and sometimes we may be overwhelmed by the amount of information. So in this blog, we will discuss 3 points that explain the usefulness of mind maps.



Remembering information and memorising it is often not an easy job or task to do. At some point back in school days, I had to memorise a piece of information, but after an hour had passed, I found myself forgetting it. Mind Maps solves this problem, as the information we make an effort to find, summarise and describe on the map is more likely to be memorable than any other information that we try to memorise by repetition or any other way.



I know how confusing and complicated history class can be. Trust me, I've been there. Many dates, events and names, and most of which are the same. Thanks to mind maps, I've been able to survive history and pass the class with a remarkable grade. Mind maps are considered to be an excellent tool to simplify and untangle complicated information and ideas into smaller and easier concepts as it focuses on the keywords and pinpoints important information out.



23% average productivity increase from using mind mapping as stated by Mind Mapping Software Blog. Mind maps help students learn faster, save time and improve their work quality. To make sure that you are making good use of your time and remain productive, you can use mind maps in different ways. One way is Sharing and Presenting Information as using reports and presentations has become boring for most of us. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed about how much we have to read and focus on, and mind maps can be a way to overcome this issue. Another way is to start Taking Notes with mind maps, so instead of having messy notes that you barely can read your handwriting afterwards, you can start using mind maps with important keywords to make it easier.



Mind maps are not just about putting information in one diagram, it is a way that helps in generating ideas, summarising them, and laying them out on a map. This whole process of creating a mind map gives us ample space for creativity. You don’t have to stick to one method to create the map, do it digitally or on a piece of paper, use colours, images and symbols, make it fun and enjoy creating it.


Mind Maps help both sides of the brain function at the same time. Mind Mapping is one way of brainstorming, but sure it is not the only one. You have to try more than one method and go with what you feel works better.

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Maryam Falah

Hello! I'm a hardworking Business Management student at Bahrain Polytechnic, and a determined part-timer at Springring. Fueled by my curiosity and passion to learn new things, I aspire towards becoming an inspiring individual, while balancing my busy days with long car drives filled with joyful, good music, and the wonderful company of my friends.